Get your goals in gear!

Are you driving down the middle of the freeway of life, straddling lanes, unsure if you want to really move into the Fast Lane? Maybe you’re thinking about taking a turn in your life, have your blinker on, but the exit seems miles down the road. We often say that we really want to do something, yet most fail to fully realize their goals. Whether the journey to reach your goals is short, or you are in it for the long haul, follow these Seven Tips to Driving Success:

1)    Map your route: If you don’t know what you really want, it’s easy to get stuck in analysis-paralysis. Sometimes it’s best to just pick a destination, as long it’s headed in the right direction. Figure out what it will take to get there. What are the mile markers along the way that will help you know you are on track? What are the road signs to look for once you have arrived? Create a plan that gives you tangible actions that you can hold yourself accountable to.

2)    Start your engine: Why stay in your driveway thinking about the wonderful places you could go and what you can do with your life when you could actually be there? Make the commitment to your plan, put the key in the ignition, put your plans in gear and get on the road!

3)    Pick a lane: When we embark on something new, it may seem prudent to plan for the “what-ifs, however, by diverting your attention to Plan B, you are sending mixed signals to the universe and those around you. Although it might be tempting to try to avoid traffic, pick a lane and go!

4)    Keep your eyes on the road: Don’t let yourself rubberneck at the road-kill of self-doubt, because you will naturally steer in the direction you are looking. It’s good to learn from the past, but don’t drive with your eyes on the rearview mirror. Focus your energy and attention on your objective and make sure that whatever time you are investing, you are driving in the right direction toward your goal.

5)    Use your turning signals: When you stop saying that you say you are trying to achieve your goals and start saying that you are going to meet them, you are far more likely to make it happen. You signal to those around you what you plan to do and give them the opportunity to allow you to move into the lane. Instead of saying you would like to or want to, say that you are doing it! Don’t give yourself a verbal exit ramp.

6)    Take detours when necessary: Expect that the GPS of life will re-direct you off the original plan occasionally. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but often those learnings become invaluable catalysts toward a better route. When the bumps in the road come along, figure out how to go around, over and through them and know that the roadtrip is often more fulfilling than the destination. 

7)    Fill your tank: We all get low on gas occasionally, so remember to surround yourself with a good support system of friends, family and people in your professional network to help replenish your energy levels when you need it, so you can keep on motoring down the road to success.

“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you will always be able to see farther.”  - Thomas Carlyle

Achieving the life we want is a lot like driving: if you don’t get behind the wheel and put the pedal to the metal, you won’t get very far down the road. At the fork in the road, you need to pick a lane and see where it takes you. And, no matter your destination and the terrain you must cross, always remember to enjoy the ride!

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Melissa Conforti is a Life Coach, Executive Coach and Organizational Consultant facilitating positive change and transformation. You can find more information on her website at: