Change is a choice.

Whether or not you are the one seeking change, or if change just came your way and hit you like a Mack truck, change is a choice. It’s an internal process that we all go through and it’s up to us individually to decide HOW we go through it.

“Sure,” you say, “easier said than done!” But, if you practice these five simple steps, you can choose how you experience change which will help you build your change resiliency for future change.

1) ACKNOWLEDGE IT: Name it. Say it aloud. Embrace it - don’t fear it.

2) BE GRATEFUL:  Express gratitude for that which is changing. Everything has a purpose in your life, whether it is obvious at this moment, or not.

3) REFRAME: Reflect on what feels most scary or painful about the change and choose to see it differently.

·       Is it the end of a marriage – or the beginning of a chance to reinvent yourself?

·       Did someone special just die – or did they bless your life while they were here?

·       Passed over for a promotion - or is there a better opportunity around the corner?

·       New tool you have to learn– or do you get to update and expand your skills?

4) SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT: When you talk about the change, use language that supports your reframe. This will shift your energy and you will begin to believe it.  

5) TAKE ACTION: Use this opportunity to act upon the change in a way that designs your future the way that you’d like to see it.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

By choosing the change, we are shifting our thoughts. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions set in motion to create the life we want to live. Be grateful for the opportunity and choose your change.

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Melissa Conforti is a Life Coach, Executive Coach and Organizational Consultant facilitating positive change and transformation. You can find more information on her website at: